What is The Mastery Snowball made of? Mastery Snowflakes!!

I read a great article write by JD at Get Rich Slowly about debt snowballs are made of debt snowflakes. Well, I thought that it also applies to the Mastery.

I am assuming that if you are reading this journal that you are on your own journey toward Mastery. Well, we are all on that path whether we know or not. As Tony Robbins says "If you're not climbing, you're sliding, baby!" So we are all either slide away from mastery or climbing towards it. There is no other way.

What exactly is Mastery? I don't know. Why? Because each of our paths toward mastery are unique. Basically, it's "you decide" type of game. You're idea of mastery may be to perform a super sharp kata while another person may find mastery by cultivating and nurturing their family relationships. If you are like me, it may be somewhere in the middle.

Regardless, to create the Mastery Snowball in your life, there is no overnight solution, quick fix, or miracle cure-all. The nirvana of personal and spiritual growth -- The Mastery Snowball -- is made of The Mastery Snowflakes.

What is a Mastery Snowflakes? It's the little actions / decisions that you make in the here and now. Every action, each snowflake is taking you one step closer to living the life of your dreams, creating The Mastery Snowball.

On my path to Mastery, I practice snowflaking or the daily practice of setting one, five, fifteen minutes, or even an hour a day for self-improvement. It's amazing the progress even a few minutes of snowflaking will grow into a snowball over time.

Okay! Start snowflaking daily to create a snowball effect in your life.
