Summer Wild Raspberry Picking

Who says that you can't find wild edibles right around the home! I found that a great place to look is the transition areas with a break of trees. Today, I am picking wild raspberries.

You may ask yourself, "How to I find time to pick wild edibles?" Well, the answer is to make it part of your normal routine. For example, I like to pick some while I walk my dogs.

Even if you pick only a handful a day, you are on your way to a more healthy and natural lifestyle. You can always scale up your activity in a emergency situation.

In this video, I am picking Black capped Wild Raspberries. You can easily identify these by the round white powdered thorn stem and the berries.

I wear long pants for raspberry picking because of the torns and the fact that they tend to be in areas with thorny wild roses.

Happy Berry Picking!
