Our Black Belt candidates as part of their test for black belt are required to perform a community service project. Their project is to raise funds for Pearl S. Buck International so that we, as a school, can sponsor a Asian child in need. The great part is that you get to communicate with the child by writing letters. I think the cultural exchange is a super form of education for our students.
If you are interested in your school joining the Pearl S. Buck cause, please contact Christopher Grosso by e-mail cgrosso@pearlsbuck.org, call him at 215.249.0100 x161, visit their website at www.pearlsbuck.org
I talked to Christopher Grosso on the phone yesterday and recorded it for podcast. Christopher is one of my new living heroes and like Pam Dorr in Alabama, he is the bullhorn for this awesome cause.
Click the recording below to listen in on our conversation.
If you are interested in your school joining the Pearl S. Buck cause, please contact Christopher Grosso by e-mail cgrosso@pearlsbuck.org, call him at 215.249.0100 x161, visit their website at www.pearlsbuck.org
Click Here to help our Black Belt Candidates and donate to a great cause