Create Good Habits with the Fly Lady

The Fly Lady website at intrigues me to no end. The idea of creating a control journal for your daily tasks amazes me. She is teaching people how to create habits in your life that foster your growth and development

Last week, I created a control journal for my dojo. This week, I finished it for home. Writing this out made me realize the difference in my two roles. For my dojo, I generated daily and weekly tasks that create the greatest value to my students (I simpler terms money generating tasks).

The problem is that over the last few years I used this business metaphor to direct my activities at home with my family. In other word, I avoided anything that I consider frivolous tasks at home in favor of pursuing moneymaking endeavors at work. And … my family and relationship suffer for it.

Through writing the control journal, I realize that the tasks I perform at home should be different from my business. My goal for my home tasks should foster better family relations and harmony.

Okay… now I have a split personality… at the dojo, my mission is to create the greatest student value and at home, my mission is to create family harmony.

With my control journals in hand, I believe that I can make these two roles a daily habit.

Sensei Tim Rosanelli
Maximum Impact Karate
(215) 249-3532

Sensei Talks: Tim Rosanelli

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