This is the continuation of Maximum Impact Karate's Anthology giving a personal history of events leading up to our dojo's 5 year anniversary.
Our third year was one of the most exciting. We were much more organized and the school was running smoothly. At the beginning of the third year, I was considering give up my full-time job.
Quitting my full time job wasn’t easy. First, I loved the challenge of my job and my boss was great. Also, I found that the business skills I was learning were very valuable to my career and the company. My mindset changed from just an employee to that of an entrepreneur and business owner.
Because of this mindset change, I received three promotions and almost doubled my salary in three year. My boss was mentoring me for a director position in the organization.
On a personal side, I was stretched to my limits working full-time during the day and teaching 5 times per week on nights and weekends. I quickly approached burn-out.
After much talk, Ester and I decided that I would quit my regular job. I gave notice at the beginning of December to leave in the beginning of January. I had many things to transition to other people.
I remember the first few months having difficulty figuring out what to do with my new found time. That January, I visited a friend with an extremely successful school, Sensei Dan Rominski. I was truly amazed and impressed how well Sensei Dan and Kim ran their school.
They provided me with tons of information and from that point on, I decided to work towards fine tuning our school to run as well as theirs did.
Our third year was one of the most exciting. We were much more organized and the school was running smoothly. At the beginning of the third year, I was considering give up my full-time job.
Quitting my full time job wasn’t easy. First, I loved the challenge of my job and my boss was great. Also, I found that the business skills I was learning were very valuable to my career and the company. My mindset changed from just an employee to that of an entrepreneur and business owner.
Because of this mindset change, I received three promotions and almost doubled my salary in three year. My boss was mentoring me for a director position in the organization.
On a personal side, I was stretched to my limits working full-time during the day and teaching 5 times per week on nights and weekends. I quickly approached burn-out.
After much talk, Ester and I decided that I would quit my regular job. I gave notice at the beginning of December to leave in the beginning of January. I had many things to transition to other people.
I remember the first few months having difficulty figuring out what to do with my new found time. That January, I visited a friend with an extremely successful school, Sensei Dan Rominski. I was truly amazed and impressed how well Sensei Dan and Kim ran their school.
They provided me with tons of information and from that point on, I decided to work towards fine tuning our school to run as well as theirs did.
Sensei Tim Rosanelli
Maximum Impact Karate
(215) 249-3532