Killer Announcements - New Blog Design, Mantifesto, MIK Jiu Jitsu Program

I have some killer announcements and very excited with some of the things that I am working that I want to share.

First… Our New Blog Design
I redesign our blog to give it a fresh look. If you haven’t checked it out, go to Recently, I picked up the pace on posting more to get tons of great content out to everyone.

My posts are trending towards video because of the popularity of our channel (over 500,000 views), YouTube made our channel a partner. Check our YouTube Channel and subscribe at

Also, if you prefer Facebook, visit us at

Second… My First E-book
I’ve seen many top bloggers are creating free Manifestos for readers and I’ve decided to write one myself for everyone. My working title right now is the Maximum Impact Revolution Manifesto.

It will talk about how to use lifestyle design to live your passion, change the world, and become a superhuman! (Well, maybe not the superhuman, you'll need to attend karate classes for that, but it did sound good on paper!)

It’s a quarter written already and I’ll let you know when it’s available for download sometime this fall.

Third… Maximum Impact Karate Jiu Jitsu Program
With the success of grappling in our program, I am excited to announce that I've almost completed a full Blue-belt Jiu Jitsu course for Maximum Impact Karate to add more value to our karate program.

It still needs some final work. I plan set-up a website that current Maximum Impact Karate Student will gain access for free and anybody else can get it for a small fee.

Over the last few years, I have added more and more Jiu Jitsu to the program because many years ago, I realized that ground defense was a huge gap in a traditional Shotokan curriculum after watching a karate friend easily get taken down by a wrestler. This program is the culmination of many years of study after that incident. Definitely a must have skill set for your complete self-defense game!

Kid's classes will also involve a simplified version of this program. I love the Jiu Jitsu for kids because it gives the chance to subdue a bully without throwing punches so your child can solve the bully problem without anyone getting hurt.

We will keep you posted on the progress and you will see some of it in classes.
This is a really exciting time for me and a great time to be involved in our program or remotely through our blog and YouTube channel.

Sensei Tim Rosanelli
Maximum Impact Karate
(215) 249-3532
