Constructing a Terrific Quick and Easy Salad with Fruit and Nuts - The P...

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Over the years, my diet has changed alot and it's getting really close to a Paleo Diet. A Paleo diet mainly consists of three thing, some kind of protein, vegetables, and fresh fruits. I try to eat mostly whole foods and avoid processed foods with added sugars.

This simple and tasty salad consists of five components but provides a infinite amount of variation only limited by our imagination.

1. Salad Veggies
2. Fruit - Dried or Fresh
3. Nuts or Seeds
4. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
5. Balsamic Vinegar

These five ingredients balance each other perfectly and can be a great staple for any meal.

For more information on the Paleo Diet, check out Loren Cordain's Book, The Paleo Diet by clicking here and for more recipes go here.

Sensei Tim Rosanelli
Maximum Impact Karate
(215) 249-3532
