60 sit-ups in a minute challenge - Final Test

Today, the final results on in for the 60 sit-ups in a minute challenge.

The final test results were...

I am very happy with the results. I went from an initial test of 38 to 62 in six weeks.

The last week of the challenge was extremely challenging. I barely eeked out the required number of sit-ups on week six's 90 second max sets. My whole mid-section felt it too!

Now, if I could trim some of the fat in my stomach, you'd be able to see the results of my efforts. Ha Ha!The really cool thing is watching the site I created take off and making something that hundreds of people can enjoy. Check it out at http://60situpschallenge.blogspot.com

What's next?
I started work on a Tabata Style workout. I am testing it with different exercises and will report back how much pain each exercise caused how effective each exercise was!

Sensei Tim Rosanelli
Maximum Impact Karate
(215) 249-3532

Sensei Talks: Tim Rosanelli

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Anonymous said…
Very impressive! I'd be lucky to do 10. Guess I have some work to do.