60 sit-ups in a minute challenge - Week Five

After Halloween and a weekend of not so good food choices, I feel ready to training this week.

Week Five of the sit-up challenge was challenging but Day 1 of Week 6 is insane. On the last set of 55, I barely made the requirement in 90 seconds. I needed to take three short rests because I burned out to failure. I can wait until this weekend to get the final results of my 60 second test.

I also have been experimenting with the Tabata system of training. On Saturday, I joined the adults for some heavy bag training with the 20 second of work and 10 second rest cycle for 8 sets. The biggest mistake was doing it halfway through the workout. Everyone was so exhausted and burned out that I had to slow the rest of the workout down for the second half. {Message to myself... do the Tabata Workout at the end of class followed by a cool down} :P

Today, I used the Tabata method with windsprints - going all out for 20 seconds with 10 second rests for 8 sets. Wow! now that is a workout. Tonight, I will do other set with the adult class. So far, I love the intensity of the workout.

Oh by the way, I mentioned that I want to measure my results. I am going to measure my resting pulse rate and a treadmill test.

Sensei Tim Rosanelli
Maximum Impact Karate
(215) 249-3532

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